13 Sep Revitalizing the Rural Community Development – The Power to Make a Difference
Rural Community Development
Rural Community Development, policies that address rural poverty must be at the forefront of the global drive to eradicate poverty. The global rural poverty rate is higher than the urban poverty rate, with rural dwellers accounting for 80% of the world’s poorest people. Thus, rural revitalization may have a huge impact on global poverty by making them productive, sustainable, and healthful places to learn, work, and live.
Rural revitalization can increase the relationship between rural and urban economies, boost economic growth, diversify agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, and contribute to poverty alleviation. In addition, rural areas can become innovation hotspots and accelerators for the development of the food system and livelihoods.
Rural economies with more power can serve as springboards for national, regional, and global value chains and providers of high-quality environmental services. In this sense, policies that stimulate investments in rural infrastructures, such as transportation networks, telecommunications, and electricity, should be a top focus.
Rural Development’s Basic Elements
Life’s Essentials
People have some fundamental demands that they would not survive (or would be very difficult. Food, clothing, shelter, basic literacy, primary health care, and life and property security are fundamental necessities. We can label a situation “total underdevelopment” when any or all of them are missing or in severely short supply. Whether capitalist, socialist, or mixed, all economies are responsible for ensuring that everyone has access to the fundamental essentials of life. In this sense, we could argue that economic expansion is an essential condition for improving rural people’s “quality of life.”
Every individual and nation strives for a sense of self-respect, decency, and honour. The absence or denial of self-respect indicates a lack of growth.
Political or ideological freedom, economic freedom, and freedom from social slavery are all examples of freedom in this context. Society cannot claim to have attained the goal of ‘development’ as long as their servitude constrains men to nature, ignorance, other men, institutions, and dogmatic beliefs. In any form, servitude represents a state of underdevelopment.
Objectives and Goals
Rural Community Development aims to improve rural people’s livelihoods fairly and sustainably, both socially and environmentally, by providing better access to assets (natural, physical, human, technological, and social capital), as well as control over productive capital (in its financial, economic, and political forms) that allow them to develop their livings in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
The main aims of the Rural Development programmes were to reduce poverty and unemployment by creating basic social and economic infrastructure, offering training to rural unemployed young people, and giving jobs to marginalized labourers to deter seasonal and permanent urban migration.
Role of NGO in rural development
Rural Community Development is based on the use of available resources in a sustainable manner. Therefore, the primary goal of rural development programmes is to create jobs and alleviate poverty by utilizing available resources. The Indian government has developed many programmes for the development of rural areas. But, even now, over 65 percent of our country’s population lives in rural areas. Therefore, residents in rural areas should have the same quality of life as people.
Furthermore, poverty, unemployment, and poor and inadequate infrastructure in rural areas have a cascading effect on urban areas, resulting in slums and resulting social and economic conflicts manifesting in financial hardship and urban poverty. As a result, rural development, which focuses on economic growth and social justice, is critical in raising rural people’s living standards by providing high-quality social services and meeting their fundamental requirements.
With Non-Rigid, a particular locality, Non-Governmental organizations have created a range of roles that can affect rural development based on their need, beneficiary orientation and true character of service. In recent years, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have arisen as an important component of contemporary rural life, bridging the gap between grassroots and civil society. Through awareness, social mobilization, service delivery, and training, the voluntary sector has substantially contributed to decreasing poverty, deprivation, prejudice, and exclusion. In addition, they serve as an effective non-political interface between the government and the general public.
Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) perform an important role in providing efficient and cost-effective services, mobilizing communities and groups and so creating effective lines of communication between the government and the people, and implementing programmes that require new techniques.
Because of its control over and access to many more resources, as well as its ability to function within a bigger institutional framework, the government has the potential to create and administer programmes that reach far more disadvantaged people. Non-governmental groups, on the other hand, have significant advantages over government organizations when it comes to providing support to the rural poor, and this fact should be acknowledged. Moreover, they have an advantage over the government because of their intimate touch with the poor, willingness to spend more time on diverse experiments, and ready acceptance by society.
NGO advantage
- They adapt to local circumstances and can respond to local demands, allowing them to design integrated and sector programmes.
- They have good people skills and can provide micro-assistance by identifying those who are most in need and tailoring help to their specific requirements.
- They can communicate at all levels of government, from the local level to the national level.
- They have fewer constraints than the government when it comes to hiring experts and highly motivated employees.
Strength of NGOs
At the Rural Community Development, there are NGOs (local). They’ve spent a lot of time on the ground and have earned your trust. They are well-versed in the area’s culture and politics, as well as its economic conditions. Because their running costs are cheaper, they may be more creative and adaptable. They are committed to assisting the poor and marginalised.
International NGOs have a global reputation, excel at networking, and can mobilise resources and expertise on a wide range of issues. They have narrow political limits in their research and advocacy for topics. They have a knack for swaying public opinion and policymakers. They usually have a core group of employees who are paid.
Local or worldwide, business-interest NGOs have a specific understanding of trade concerns, markets, and contacts in their industry.
Our Elysium Foundation is ready to access Rural Community Development to increases in various human development indicators, including productivity, health, and education, according to experience and common sense. All of these measures, taken together, can reduce poverty and move the rural poor out of poverty. Therefore, if we are to solve the poverty problem, we must pursue them.
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